Recent Reviews
The Towers of Numar and A Search for meaning: The Story of Rex at National Center for the Study of Children's Literature

ZED #8 and Flight 4 at

ZED #6 at A Comic A Day...

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In The News
- Radio Interview - December 2008
- By Conch

Vancouver Animation
- Interview - September 2008
- By Mario Pochat

Immersion Graphique
- French Interview - July 2008
- By Sandrine Flament

Cold Hard Flash
- Interview - June 2008
- By Aaron Simpson

Flight Volume 7
June 1st, 2010

The cover of Flight 7 has been released. Like previous years, the large graphic novel anthology will be coming out in July. It will feature the first chapter of The Saga of Rex (my sixth entry in the series).

I've seen digital versions of most of the stories included in the book and I love them. I can't wait for the printed version of volume seven.

The book is edited by the amazing Kazu Kibuishi who also provided yet another inspired cover. This might just be the strongest volume yet.

30 fps vs 24 fps
May 16, 2010

When I started doing animation work on Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, my creative and business partner, Joe Olson, told me that 30 frames per second (or more) was standard for video games. I've always animated at 24 frames per second, that being the standard for the movie industry. Since a lot of the animation I do is hand drawn, increasing the frame rate by 20% meant a lot more hours to produce the same lenght of animation.

And so, Joe and I decided that I would animate at 24 fps and the game engine would adjust its playback speed when displaying my animation.

But then, I saw how smooth and silky my animation looked when we mistakenly displayed it at 30 fps. I was immediately hooked. I love how animation looks at this increased rate, especially when it's hand drawn!

So no worry, all the animation in the game will be at a minimum of 30 fps. No cheat!

Media Launch
May 1, 2010

Last Wednesday was the media launch of TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival. I was surprised and delighted to see how much attention Fixed Fragmented Fluid received. In his speech, artistic director Ken Pickering mentionned the show as one of the highlight of the festival. We then showed the trailer to the press and the response was explosive. From there, I was dragged in front of TV cameras, trying to do my best to answer questions about the event. I even had to do an interview in French for CBC which proved to be a bit of a challenge since I don't get to practice my native language very often.

This was my second media launch with Coastal Jazz - Last year, I created the poster for the festival.

Fixed Fragmented Fluid
April 28, 2010

The trailer for my latest animated project is live. Check it out!

A New Website Layout for Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
April 24, 2010

I've reconstructed the layout for the official "Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet" website.

At the bottom of the webpage, I embeded a 1080P new rendering of the interstitials that inspired the game. The shorts were never showed in HD before. I still had the source files and was able to make a new version. Check it out.

A New HD Master for Prelude to Eden
April 21, 2010

Back in 1995, when I made my short film, Prelude to Eden, there was not much talk about HD. I was happy enough to get the film done on 35mm. I had a NTSC broadcast master made from the 35mm negative and that's all I thought I needed in terms of masters. I never made back-ups of the digital files and forgot all about them.

Now with the advent of HDTV, Bluray and HD web videos, I've been eager to make a new 1080P digital master. When I started to look for the original source files, I realized that they had been long lost. It seemed like my only choice was to create the HD master from the 35mm negative, which meant loosing a generation in the process.

After many enquiries, I was delighted to learn that Cambridge Animation, the company that created the Animo software, had made their own back-ups of the original files on 8mm and 4mm Helical-Scan Data Cartridges, which ended up at the Toonboom office, when Animo was bought out. I contacted Toonboom and the data tapes were sent to me.

I've now had the tapes for a couple of weeks and haven't been able to find anyone who can retrieve the information on them. The tapes were made in 1995 and the technology has changed quite a bit since then. Fortunately, I was able to find the right equipment on eBay and just purchased a drive a few hours ago. Hopefully, I'll be able to make it work and get what's on those tapes. I'll keep you posted!

Flight 6 Nominated for an Eisner Award
April 14, 2010

I just learned that Flight Volume 6 received a nomination for the 2010 Eisner Award in the Best Anthology category.

Being the artist who has contributed the most pages to the yearly anthology - close to 200 pages over a period of seven years - I feel very close to the project. I'd love to see editor Kazu Kibuishi pick up the trophy for all the hard work he's put into the book year after year.

You can see the full list of nominees here. The results will be announced in a gala awards ceremony on the evening of Friday, July 23 at Comic-Con International.

Numar and Rex Reviewed
April 06, 2010

Here are two recent reviews of my books, The Towers of Numar and A Search for Meaning: The Story of Rex, posted on the National Center for the Study of Children's Literature. I always get a bit nervous when reading reviews of my work, but these were nicely favorable, so that made me happy!


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All artwork on this website is copyright © Michel Gagné unless otherwise noted.